As part of a trip funded by a generous benefactor in the UK, Crime Pays set out to document some of the flora in the “Mediterranean” (summer dry/winter wet) climate of Western Australia in October 2019. Here are some of the species observed. Of particular interest to me were the “Mirbelioid Peas” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirbelioids) , a very interesting group of legumes, most with bright, day-glo flowers and many highly toxic (the compound 1080 is synthesized from compounds found in the legume genus Gastrolobium). Also of interest were the numerous members of the family Proteaceae, as well as the carnivorous Drosera, the striking case of convergent evolution in the taxon Cephalotus folicularis (another carnivore), the incredible diversity in the “trigger plants” genus Stylidium, and many more.
Kingia australis (Dasypogonaceae)
Gastrolobium leakeanum
Gastrolobium leakeanum
Gastrolobium leakeanum
Kunzea montana (Myrtaceae)
Kunzea montana (Myrtaceae)
Banksia solandri (Proteaceae)
Banksia solandri (Proteaceae)
Xerochrysum macranthum (Asteraceae)
Xerochrysum macranthum (Asteraceae)
Allcasuarina humilis (Casuarinaceae, Order Fagales (oaks))
Allcasuarina humilis (Casuarinaceae, Order Fagales (oaks))
Allcasuarina humilis (Casuarinaceae, Order Fagales (oaks))