Assorted Photos of Rare & Notable plant communities From Around the GLobe
Grouped by location (ie New Caledonia, South Africa, Chile) but otherwise unorganized for your viewing and educational pleasure you will find a series of photographs of notable and evolutionary distinct plant communities from various locations around the world. Captions are not fully updated but questions can be directed to (domain intentionally spelled wrong to confuse bots). All of these species have been featured in videos that can be found at the Crime Pays But Botany Doesn’t Youtube Channel.

Nepenthes veillardii, a carnivorous plant endemic to New Caledonia.

Nepenthes veillardii, a carnivorous plant endemic to New Caledonia.

Grevillea mondorensis

Nepenthes veillardii, a carnivorous plant endemic to New Caledonia.

Nepenthes veillardii, a carnivorous plant endemic to New Caledonia.

Ultramafic, serpentine habitat of New Caledonia

Drosera neocaledonica, a carnivorous plant endemic to New Caledonia

Serpentine Habitat and Dracophyllum sp. (Ericaceae)

Parsonsia flexuosa, a milkweed relative endemic to New Caledonia

Cyathopsis albicans, a serpentine endemic member of the blueberry family endemic to New Caledonia. The Southern Hemisphere Ericaceae, also known as Epacrids (Subfamily epacridoideae) are an intriguing bunch. Australia also has some very cool members of this lineage.

Blue, unweathered serpentine (ultramafic) rock.

Cyathopsis albicans, a serpentine endemic member of the blueberry family endemic to New Caledonia. The Southern Hemisphere Ericaceae, also known as Epacrids (Subfamily epacridoideae) are an intriguing bunch. Australia also has some very cool members of this lineage.

Grevillea exul, an endemic member of Proteaceae.

Grevillea exul, an endemic member of Proteaceae.

Maxwellia lepidota, a New Caledonia endemic member of Malvaceae with broad leaves covered in a velvet-ey indumentum

Maxwellia lepidota, a New Caledonia endemic member of Malvaceae with broad leaves covered in a velvet-ey indumentum

More epic ultramafic steez of New Caledonia. The habitat here is incredible - loaded with endemics that occur nowhere else on Earth.

Maxwellia lepidota, a New Caledonia endemic member of Malvaceae with broad leaves covered in a velvet-ey indumentum

Maxwellia lepidota, a New Caledonia endemic member of Malvaceae with broad leaves covered in a velvet-ey indumentum

Ultramafic soil weathers to red because of the high iron content of this geology.

Ultramafic soil weathers to red because of the high iron content of this geology.

Ultramafic soil weathers to red because of the high iron content of this geology.

Dacrydium araucarioides, Podocarpaceae

Megastylis gigas (subfamily Orchidoideae, Tribue Diurideae), an endemic orchid of New Caledonia.

Callitris sulcata, an endemic member of the redwood family, Cupressaceae, that occurs nowhere else on Earth except for a small area on the island of New Caledonia.

Callitris sulcata, an endemic member of the redwood family, Cupressaceae, that occurs nowhere else on Earth except for a small area on the island of New Caledonia.

Juvenile foliage of Callitris sulcata

Pendant catkins of Homalium austrocaledonicum, Willow Family, Salicaceae. New Caledonia (endemic).

Pendant catkins of Homalium austrocaledonicum, Willow Family, Salicaceae. New Caledonia (endemic).

Pendant catkins of Homalium austrocaledonicum, Willow Family, Salicaceae. New Caledonia (endemic).

Neocallitropsis (Callitris) pancheri, Redwood Family - Cupressaceae

Retrophyllum minus - a member of a Jurassic-age lineage of conifer endemic to a small area of New Caledonica.

Retrophyllum minus - a member of a Jurassic-age lineage of conifer endemic to a small area of New Caledonica.

Retrophyllum minus - a member of a Jurassic-age lineage of conifer endemic to a small area of New Caledonica.
Berzelia abrotanoides, Bruniaceae. A distant relative of Carrots. Western Cape, South Africa.
Lachenalia vanzyliae, Hyacinth Family. Western Cape, South Africa
Arctotis verbascifolia. Western Cape, South Africa
Roridula dentata - a coprophagious, proto-carnivorous plant from South Africa's Western Cape.
Cytinus capensis, a parasitic plant from South Africa
Flower of Roridula dentata - a coprophagious, proto-carnivorous plant from South Africa's Western Cape.
Roridula dentata - a coprophagious, proto-carnivorous plant from South Africa's Western Cape.
Roridula dentata - a coprophagious, proto-carnivorous plant from South Africa's Western Cape.
Pameridea roridulae, The co-evolutionary partner of Roridula dentata - a coprophagious, proto-carnivorous plant from South Africa's Western Cape.
Crassula pyramidalis is a great example of how geology and substrate influences plant morphology. The result is perfect camouflage.
Crassula pyramidalis is a great example of how geology and substrate influences plant morphology. The result is perfect camouflage.
Crassula pyramidalis is a great example of how geology and substrate influences plant morphology. The result is perfect camouflage.
Crassula pyramidalis is a great example of how geology and substrate influences plant morphology. The result is perfect camouflage.
Parasitaxus usta
Retrophyllum minus, New Caledonia
Dacrydium araucarioides, New Caledonia
Bobcat kitten in Baja California
Serpentine endemic Rhus lentii
The incredibly rare Encelia densifolia
Pachycormus discolor
Peniocereus striatus
Bahiopsis lanata
Stenocereus thurberi, Baja California Sur
Eulychnia breviflora
Puya chiloensis
Copiapoa sp., Chile
Copiapoa columna-alba
The parasitic Tristerix aphyllus (Loranthaceae) on Eulychnia sp.
Lobelia polyphylla, Chile
Schizanthus hookeri
Chuquiraga oppositifolia, a "basal" lineage of Asteraceae from Chile
Viola atropurpurea, Chile
Viola montagnei, Chile. Another incredible rosulate Viola species.